Looks like PS Audio has a hit on their hands with the new speaker

I know that many here may not take the PS Audio FR30 seriously as a speaker.

I totally get that (as no one has even heard it) however based on the designer and 

goals, years of development, I was very optimistic.  Plus I knew the speaker would work well with my BHK300 amps.  Not that I’m in the market for speakers, but wish I was. 

Here’s the first owner report, who previously had Maggies.


Would love to hear these for myself, as I’m a sucker for new driver designs.

Anyone who has heard these, please post your impressions.

Would love to hear them in the New York tri state area or south Florida.  



@emailists I like the BHK signature amps, are you using the BHK pre?
Thanks for the heads up.
Are those passive radiators on the sides? Would be interesting to hear what they can do, and yes as stereo5 wrote, it will be interesting the results.

Rix I am not using the BHK pre- I use Atma-sphere mp1 all tube unit, balanced into the BHK300’s.  

@rixthetrick ...Yes, 4 per column, 10".  Woofs @ 8", like their approach on the innards...

PM mid & tweets...good.  28.5K$....I'll wait for the Lotto check.... ;) *L*

Nice looking....the black ones need a batch of simian dolls @ the base....

".....’n AlsoSpunkZarathruster...." (...reading the LP cover, very drunk...)

...done with kazoos' and tambourine...yowling cats...

The guy that bought them doesn’t seem overly thrilled. At 28k, I would want to demo in my own room before buying