Qobuz/Tidal Differences

For those who have both, can you point me in the direction of some tracks that, in your opinion, shows the differences in the sound quality between the two streaming services?

I read constantly of folks who point out one is better than the other but IMO I think they both sound pretty similar.  So I kind of want to test my hearing.  

Please help.



Technically I found them to be the same.  

Catalog, I found more variety on Qobuz.   You can find more Rap on Tidal.

I got tried of every time I fired up Tidal I got a message "wouldn't you enjoy listening to some JayZ?" (who owns Tidal)  when I have never played a single JayZ song in my life..


Qobuz is warmer-sounding. Tidal is cooler. Imaging, soundstaging & clarity are about the same. To me, though, the important thing is that they have different tastes. If you want to hear Classical (and I do), you got to go with Qobuz.

edcyn,  how do you propose that the digital file is modified to provide that change in sound?  --Jerry

Can you point me in the direction of artists/tracks you used to compare where these differences were heard?

Thanks, all.

I have both now and if the goal is listening enjoyment, IMO they both deliver.

I have simply not tried to compare them directly on the basis of either catalog or sound quality. Based on the past two months with Qobuz and the past two years with Tidal, I am like you:

IMO I think they both sound pretty similar.