Interconnects for MHDT Orchid

I am buying an MHDT Orchid and need some advice about RCA interconnects between the Orchid and a Hegel Integrated amp.  Speaker wires are Acoustic Zen Satori, speakers are Joseph Audio Rm25XL. Any suggestions about a good basic cable? Any Orchid users, what do you use?


I’m using Audio Envy with my Orchid. I like it over either the Audioquest Earth or A Z Absolute Copper. I have the Satori Shotgun speaker cables.

Bluesound Node (latest) with power board and LPS upgrades.
Herron 360 pre

Pass Xa-25 power

A Z Crescendo 2 speakers



i would go with a fairly transparent, lively cable, rather than one that smooths... the orchid already does that somewhat...

Connecting my Orchid I used as short of large gauge cables as I could find.  Not a lot of money but the Amazon CESS-163-8i Low Noise 12 Gauge Premium RCA Audio Line Patch Cable (8 Inches) sound really good.i know expensive cables are in fashion but these are definitely worth a try