Interconnect XLR suggestion between Accuphase E-480, and Lumin T2

Finally I think I will sit on E-480, and T2 for a while maybe years, I’m looking for suggestion to which Interconnect XLR will suit the best between Accuphase E-480, and Lumin T2, any recommendations will be really appreciated. 

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@soix @jafant Thank you all!

any thoughts on Audience AU24se XLR interconnect compare to Acoustic Zen absolute copper XLR? 



My pleasure. I am interested in the Audience AU24se vs. AZ absolute copper XLR comparison as well.

Staying tuned...

Happy Listening!

I prefer a neutral cable and use WireWorld exclusively (not saying the only neutral cable brand, just that it's been their design goal since the beginning, decades ago).

If there is a problem with sound quality, I'd rather fix the problem than band-aid it with colored wire. In my experience it's usually a speaker/listening position or acoustical tweak will solve the problem properly.