Looks like PS Audio has a hit on their hands with the new speaker

I know that many here may not take the PS Audio FR30 seriously as a speaker.

I totally get that (as no one has even heard it) however based on the designer and 

goals, years of development, I was very optimistic.  Plus I knew the speaker would work well with my BHK300 amps.  Not that I’m in the market for speakers, but wish I was. 

Here’s the first owner report, who previously had Maggies.


Would love to hear these for myself, as I’m a sucker for new driver designs.

Anyone who has heard these, please post your impressions.

Would love to hear them in the New York tri state area or south Florida.  



@asvjerry - rounds 1, 2 and 3 sold out already?
Waiting to virtually September for them to ship. Now that’s patience.
I’ll go suss out the video, cheers mate.

@rixthetrick ...well, I'll assume you know more now than before.... ;) *G*

All that's left is to wait for the 'Yay!'/'Nay...' reviews to roll in on it....

Anything new gets put under the glass and pecked apart like chickens with a lizard clueless enough to enter the coop.... *smirk*

One mfr. that never gets mentioned (and rarely seen in the used lists) is:


Now, having no personal experience as a owner nor even a listening one, there exists a curiosity over them....

I've mentioned them here before with 0 responses....

Best kept secret?  Or hastily buried in deep disdain?

The mind wanders....

@jl35 Legacy Audio Classic HD speakers, Legacy i.V2 amp, Black Ice Audio F360 tube line stage, ifi Zen Stream (wirelessly, remote Roon Nucleus+; I don't have fiber ethernet to that room yet) to ifi NEO. 

Yes, he most probably was exaggerating the total price of the system and I shouldn't have included that tidbit without verifying first. My apologies. I've never been to PS Audio so I don't know how that system is configured. Maybe someone else who has visited can fill in the blanks.

Like any other speaker, please get a good audition before purchasing.

That's certainly a fine system, vinylvalet, as you know, and hear...

Paul is a smart guy but I've never thought of an electronics company as a speaker company but I'm sure that they sound good.

But, there really is a LOT of superb competition in that price range, at least IMO.