An audiophile dilemma

A friend of mine just bought the JBL PRX635 stage speakers and they sound just great!
These are not the typical high end speakers that are in demand among audiophiles and they cost far less than their high end siblings.
Sometimes I wonder if all the money is well spent, because for far less $$ someone can become an owner of a pair of these JBL's and be happy for the rest of his life.
Are those high end (and very expensive) speakers really better than the JBL's?

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'And IMO, it is the folks incapable of being able to tell, who try to say no one can.
thank you.'

Well hush my mouth.
So? Are you saying you need familiar surroundings to be able to tell the difference between a $129 dollar receiver and a $20,000 'high-end' amp?
Rok2id (Threads | Answers | This Thread)

I wasn't aware that anyone compared a $129 dollar receiver to a $20,000 amp.

Enjoy your Yorx!
So? Are you saying you need familiar surroundings to be able to tell the difference between a $129 dollar receiver and a $20,000 'high-end' amp?
Rok2id (Threads | Answers | This Thread)

I wasn't aware that anyone compared a $129 dollar receiver to a $20,000 amp.

Enjoy your Yorx!
.I wasn't aware that anyone compared a $129 dollar receiver to a $20,000 amp..

they don't now, they did back in the day of honest researchers.. I think the brands were pioneer and Krell, but I can't be sure.

why do you say everything twice?