An audiophile dilemma

A friend of mine just bought the JBL PRX635 stage speakers and they sound just great!
These are not the typical high end speakers that are in demand among audiophiles and they cost far less than their high end siblings.
Sometimes I wonder if all the money is well spent, because for far less $$ someone can become an owner of a pair of these JBL's and be happy for the rest of his life.
Are those high end (and very expensive) speakers really better than the JBL's?

So? Are you saying you need familiar surroundings to be able to tell the difference between a $129 dollar receiver and a $20,000 'high-end' amp?
Rok2id (Threads | Answers | This Thread)

I wasn't aware that anyone compared a $129 dollar receiver to a $20,000 amp.

Enjoy your Yorx!
.I wasn't aware that anyone compared a $129 dollar receiver to a $20,000 amp..

they don't now, they did back in the day of honest researchers.. I think the brands were pioneer and Krell, but I can't be sure.

why do you say everything twice?
"Only if you can see the equipment, will you be able to 'hear' the imagined differences / deficiencies. Put everything out of sight and NO ONE can tell or hear a difference. Not wanting to revisit this 'sensitive' subject, except that there might be new people here who do not know the history of blind testing."

But this isn't at all accurate. Harman in particular has done a lot of controlled blind comparisons of loudspeakers, and not only can panelists hear the differences, all but those with hearing deficiencies rank them in the same relative order, whether they're audiophiles or not. Some other speaker manufacturers, including high end manufacturers, use blind listening tests as well.

I gotta wonder, on the basis of your earlier comment, whether you've actually heard a great speaker.
I gotta wonder, on the basis of your earlier comment, whether you've actually heard a great speaker.

Read my post

'primarily speaking of electronics'. But does apply to speakers to a lesser degree.
R2K - For years you've been making these nonsensical comments about audio gear, you DO realize this is a site dedicated to audio, don't you? Obviously the answer is yes, so the question than becomes WHY have you been hanging on this site for so long if you have such a negative view about it all? Here's why:

"In Internet slang, a troll is someone who posts inflammatory, extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community, such as a forum, chat room, or blog, with the primary intent of provoking readers into an emotional response or of otherwise disrupting normal on-topic discussion".