Grounding cable gauge size

For those of you using external grounding source devices, units such as Entreq, Nordost, Synergistic, etc. What size wire gauge seems to work the best?



I plan to use silver wire going into copper plates inside as they are on the same end of the galvanic scale. Then I am planning to use aluminum plates on the other end of the scale to create the "pull" across the conductive media.

@bugredmachine if you don’t mind share pics and ingredient list if it works out for you.  I am planning to build a third box twice the size of my current two DIY boxes.  Intrigued by the “pull” construction.  Each speaker will have its own small box and the large box will be connected to the conditioner and wall outlet. Also, I am thinking about acquiring the Russ Andrews box to compare. Let us know how you like his box.  Thanks

Sure, once I have something worth trying. I will be using MDF for the box so I can open it up and re-configure if needed.


The Andrews box should be here this week.