New Power Cable on a 1990 Hafler DH120?

Is it worth putting an upgraded power cord on my 1990 Hafler DH120?  I am considering upgrading because it is rather old.  Still sounds good IMO.  Maybe I could get some better sound with a new cable.  Considering a GR Research cable.



The sound of an electronic component starts with its power supply. NOT with the wire connecting it to the AC outlet. If you believe otherwise then I recommend joining the Flat Earth Society.

The FES has chapters all around the globe.

Except for Australia…

     The local Master Of The Deluded ("Trust ME, I’m a fictitious operative!"), recommends joining a delusional, "Society".

                                      Reverse psychopathy?


                                           Either or both =


I find it funny in that in one post the OP is trying to get the best out of his fiber optic internet.....and now he posts about adding a power cord to a amp that is over 30 yrs old.


you could get the amp modded, but the mod alone costs more than the amp is worth.     


Hafler Amp (


     No one can tell you whether YOUR system/ears will (or can) resolve/discern any improvement(s), if your Hafler's PC is upgraded.

     Having done a number of such upgrades, on Hafler equipment:  I will state that the move invariably brought a smile their owners' faces.   

     I would, however, recommend replacing any and all electrolytic capacitors, of your DH120's power supply and driver boards, before bothering with the PC.  Yours are around 30 years old.

     It's been my experience: the better the condition of any unit's stock circuitry, the better (more audible) the result of any upgrades/tweaks.

                                                    Happy listening!

Thanks to all for your responses.  I appreciate your input.

The belligerence from some in response to someone innocently asking questions after having just gotten back into the hobby after 30 odd years is interesting and unfortunate.