Wouldn't recommend OG Cremonas, I had the Auditors. Very midrange centric and can sound quite thick. Definitely not neutral, not very good bass control. For vocals and chamber music--beautiful.
Based on your criteria, which are very similar to mine, I suggest looking at Totem Tribe Towers. I never had any interest in Totem, but was looking for a subwoofer for the monitors in my bedroom system, where placement flexibility is zero. I thought maybe there's a small floorstander that would work, which led me to the TTTs. They are so skinny and light they look like a joke, but my god do they play so much bigger and deeper than you'd ever think. After 4 months of living with them I still shake my head in disbelief, but at the same I forget that I'm listening to a small speaker. No desire for a subwoofer, but you can certainly augment with one or two. Quite neutral and extended, but no top end harshness whatsoever. Great soundstage depth, which is not easy, very detailed midrange. I actually find their tonal balance pretty similar to my Joseph Audio Perspectives, but without some of the top end air and overall refinement. I got mine for $3k used. A big plus is that they are easy to ship.