Zu Definition owners who stepped up to the Def 4

Would like to hear from past owners of the earlier Definitions, who stepped up to the Def 4;

Wondering how the 4-10" subs of the earlier Def's stack up against the 1-12" in the Def 4. Do you feel the Def 4 is putting out less bass because of the one woofer?

In the Def 4, I notice the built in amp sits directly over the the sub woofer. Any repercussions because of this layout?

I know there is a thread currently running about comparisons of these speakers, but I really don't want to read through some 440+ posts.

Thanks in advance for your comments.
Hi Mark,
What I remember reading is that the new woofers benefit from firing downward and are braced considerably better in the 4's. I have the 3's and Sean and other owners have told me that the 4 is better in two regards:
1. The new Radian tweeter
2. Improved bass due to the above reasons.

I have an invitation to hear a pair locally and if I do make it I will let you know my thoughts.

The 12" downfiring sub in Def4 is cleaner, quicker, and it loads the room more evenly. It is in all ways better than the 4x10" linear sub array on earlier Definitions. Plus the internal amp is better, cleaner, more powerful -- and you have far more control over deep bass/room interations with the parametric, phase and hinge frequency variables. The rest is in the Zu Definition 3 thread here.

Thanks for pointing me in the right direction. I see Phil is a wealth of information
on this subject. I have a better insight as to the quantity and quality of the bass

Please report back if/when you hear the Def 4's, I'd love to hear you're findings,
thoughts and comments.

Thanks for clearing that up. I guess I'm from the old school thinking that more is
better, so 4-10" must be better than 1-12" right? I read about the
issues the old design has, so it all makes sense to me now.
One bit of advice I can volunteer for those who can't easily upgrade to the 4s, love the 2s, but have some issues with bass integration, is to install a SpatialComputer Bass Anti Wave Generator. In my room it has made great strides in evening out certain standing waves and bass nodes. So much so that previous dissatisfaction with bass-room integration have been largely solved.
From what I gather the 4s have really solved these issues further with the single sub-bass driver, all the way into the high treble.
When my 4s are installed in the next 2-4 weeks, I'll report my findings.