Vandersteen 2ce Sig II

So I've got a Rogue Audio Cronus Magnum with TS KT 120 tubes and am updating my speakers from some Martin Logan Aerius i's that I built when I worked there in college over 15 years ago. Gonna have the mylar replaced and put them in a second system. I was wondering if anybody thought the Vanersteen 2ce Sig II's were a good match for the Cronus Magnum with the big bottle upgrade. I'm currently using VPI Scout with a Grado Reference Master cart and mainly only listen to vinyl although I do have a Mac Mini with a cheap DAC hooked up to it. Any thoughts would be appreciated if anybody has had experience with this setup.
Thanks, Tim
Make sure you also fill the lower metal bases with dry sand
available at toy r us.
Audiocon, Oh yeah. I've got about half a bag of dry mason's sand left from an isolation table that I built all ready to go. Thanks.
Today we installed a Pr of Vandersteen 2CE Sig 2s a Rogue
Cronus Mag w/ KT 120s fed by a Mac Book Pro Rega Dac
El basic Kimber Tonik double Bi wire Sand in bases side tilt checked and laser tiltbacked on both speakers in a 13.5 by 23 by 8 room we got height six ft above the speakers,superb extension and the amp crused nicly.
Sounds like a great system that is only lacking vinyl! Those happen to be almost the exact dimensions of my room, but because of the layout I have to go on the long wall with my system. As far as the laser tiltback goes, what's your process? I've got both a laser Leica disto that I use for placement and toe and a laser/ bubble level for side tilt. I was just going to use a plumb bob to measure tilt back. Is there a better way? Unless you don't want to give away secrets... Ha!
Thanks Johnny
His turntable will be back in action soon.
We are installing a new head shell and cartridge.
((As far as the laser tilt back goes, what's your process?))
Simple bubble level, adjust front spikes for proper side to side. Get 2 post it notes on the wall behind your listening chair.
Place the laser on top of each Vandersteen speaker aiming toward post it notes, draw a circle with a sharpie pen where the laser lands, adjust each back spike so that each speaker has exact tilt on target.
Then listen at normal height, then slouch lower in chair, and then listen sitting on a pillow.
One of the 3 positions will be
very obvious.
Last part adjust both speakers to you normal seating position.
Cheers JohnnyR