Vandersteen 2ce Sig II

So I've got a Rogue Audio Cronus Magnum with TS KT 120 tubes and am updating my speakers from some Martin Logan Aerius i's that I built when I worked there in college over 15 years ago. Gonna have the mylar replaced and put them in a second system. I was wondering if anybody thought the Vanersteen 2ce Sig II's were a good match for the Cronus Magnum with the big bottle upgrade. I'm currently using VPI Scout with a Grado Reference Master cart and mainly only listen to vinyl although I do have a Mac Mini with a cheap DAC hooked up to it. Any thoughts would be appreciated if anybody has had experience with this setup.
Thanks, Tim
Update: I replaced my two MC2100 with a pair of McIntosh MC601 monoblock (600w) first 200 hours was tap at 8ohm then switched to 4ohms. I could not hear any difference maybe due to McIntosh being an autoformer. Does this sound about right?
I think you will be very happy with the Rogue Audio Cronus Magnum / Vandersteen 2ce SigII combination.
I actually auditioned the Pass Labs 600.5 before I bought my McIntosh MC601 and I wasn't to happy with them.