Ground 'box' what's in them?

Anyone have any idea what's going on inside these ground 'boxes' some companies are coming out with?

Examples are the Entreq, Synergistic Research et al.

My brother in law a electrician and he laughed at some of those who think this actually grounds the unit by plugging it into a wooden box full of exotic crystals.Those saying they hear a difference probably the same people saying $500 bottle of cleaner in a 8 ounce bottle improves details.Problem with high end audio people are easily fooled with shiny objects with a high price tag.

an electrician‘s universe begins and ends with ohms law

anything else does not compute

dig ?

Snake oil and the owner was caught before putting a generic USB cable into their own custom made sleeve and jacking up the price by 20x.Same as these grounding box.A few metal wires and some metal plates and the so call "cocktail" of black magic sand (probably  Tourmaline powder) sandwiched into a high school quality box and selling it for $1000+.My neighbor build custom cabinets for a living and I shown him the photo of the box and he laughed saying his 10 year can make a box way better than theirs.

Re-reading this old thread and I realize how much my opinion has changed on the subject of grounding.

Today, I have a Entreq box and several of my DIY versions, and I have to say they have greatly increased my listening enjoyment.

Best I can say, is they reduce the grunge that rides along the AC grounds.
