Facten, you are exactly correct. It’s difficult to do, but way less difficult than what the people and families of those being victimized are enduring. Since very few people are even aware of, much less standing up for them, they are screwed. For that and some other reasons, I try and do what l little I can, which is not much.

If more of us good people joined in, like we seem to be doing in some ways for the people in Ukraine, maybe it would help curb despots from being able to continue to commit the worst atrocities. As the world’s biggest market, as a country we have some real say so if we wield that power for the good. That’s even if we’re unwilling to fight for the victims, like my Dad did as a seventeen year old U.S. soldier in WW2.

My father told me, and it made a big impression, there were concentration camps all over Germany. He said you could tell you were coming up on one from miles away due to the stench. Sadly things like that are apparently still going on in with nobody lifting a finger to stop them, I’m not a religious person, but when it comes to the worst and most horrific excesses, like the current situation in Ukraine, we should be our brothers keeper and stop sick despots from doing what they are doing.to people just like you and I.



I thought this headline and story was a scream and shows what regular folk are doing to pitch in on their own:

Russian oligarchs superyacht stuck in Norway because no-one there will sell it fuel.

"NRK spoke with several supplies of fuel in Norway, none of whom said they wanted to deliver to the Ragnar."

"They can row home," an oil service said.