The Belles Aria Signature Integrated Amplifier

The Belles Aria Signature Integrated Amplifier has landed at the Audio Connection in Verona, NJ. I think John said 120 watts per channel with a phono stage that supports both MM and MC cartridges. 3 Single ended and 1 balanced input and output. Sounds great even though the unit has less than 24 hours on it.
Looking through this thread and wondering if anyone has compared Belles to Rega integrated amps.

I have an Elex-R, really love the Rega sound but the Belles amps are very intriguing to me. Have a pair of DALI bookshelf speakers, but might try Spendor, LSA-10, or even new stuff from Canton soon.

FWIW, I have gone with Rega over comparably priced integrateds from Hegel, Musical Fidelity, Denon, and Naim. 
@cd45123 I replaced my Rega Elex-R with a Belles Aria about 3 years ago. Once the Belles has bedded in I was completely  satisfied it was a decent upgrade, especially in terms of refinement. The Rega was fine for the money, but I clearly prefer the Belles. 

ianmack: I am with you I have owned LFD, more overhead for a dealer if you ask me, great sounding product but I found the Aria Signature much better to my liking and it sounded much better to my liking. The only thing that bested it was my Belles MB-200 Mono blocs and VT-01.. Not sure if I am going to keep both, although I like the versatility of an Int. Amp. 


Anyone looking for a Belles Aria Signature PM me, as I have one in Silver that I am going to be posting on here soon..  or not, the more I listen to it, the less I want to let it go. 

Just curious as my Aria Signature Int is a year old, whats

the difference in the new Aria Signature Int which has a

different faceplate and back layout. 
