Grounding cable gauge size

For those of you using external grounding source devices, units such as Entreq, Nordost, Synergistic, etc. What size wire gauge seems to work the best?



Grounding Guide

They have a Plug In RF Router which allows grounding though a power outlet and a RF Router MK2 for use with an earth rod.

They are connected to anything that needs grounding such as casework grounds, shielding and even speaker driver frames if you are so inclined.

The idea is to provide an ideal way to remove anything that might be ruining your sound quality.

Yes, I have 2 earth rods. One for AC grounding from the Puritan and one for signal grounds via the Russ unit.

So far the biggest gains for me have been the 2 ADD-PWR Wizards I use. The music is so addicting I could care less about noise. But I like to tinker so I'll carry on. I'm sure I'll get time to get those boxes going this weekend.

I also owe Jeff Smith a call so we can kibitz about grounding.

Thanks for the replies. I'm not keen on adding an additional earth grounding rod. Mostly I fear that with a lightning strike there would be 2 paths to ground.

I also own a Sorcer X4 and the new I/O unit for usb and ethernet. Great equipment.



I'm with you. That's why I'm going with the plug in unit.

I've learnt that Russ Andrews is having a 25% sale starting on the March 28. That's off the purchase price but then the cable is not included with the sale. Personally I'm happy to do my own cabling.


Is there a USA version of the Russ Andrews Plug In RF Router?
