Grounding cable gauge size

For those of you using external grounding source devices, units such as Entreq, Nordost, Synergistic, etc. What size wire gauge seems to work the best?



Now I am again amazed what the Entreq grounding box does. I just added a Peak 4 to one of the Silver Tellus terminals. This device is a wooden knob, I guess hollowed out with some metals inside. (I think they claim there is 5 different metals). It just screws on in place of one of the wooden nuts that hold the cable in place.

Son of a gun, this little thing does add more detail. At first I thought it to be a bit too bright especially in the upper midrange/treble area but now a day later has emerged into the soundstage. What I am hearing is more detail throughout.

This sure amazes me since it is only signal grounding. What we don’t know about the crap in the ground connections that is left to discover?



What is the difference between the Russ Andrews unit and just using the ground from the outlet?


The Andrews should have a filter network in it like the Groundmaster to make sure what goes in does not came back through.

I just tried connecting a ground wire from an outlet to my grounding box and I heard hum.


Similar to my incident. Must be making a ground loop. Don't forget, many chassis grounds can be signal grounds on some devices. My amp's ground to the wall is also the chassis and XLR grounds.


Here is a simple device I made with a spare Furutech clamshell plug and banana jack. Takes the banana plug straight to ground only (one wire inside). With the clamshell you can grab the banana nut and hold it tight to the plastic shell when you close it up.