Best MC Cartridge Pairing for Technics SL-1210 GAE?

Hi all,

What are some solid MC choices for the 1210gae? I am currently using an Ortofon Bronze with a Lehmann Black Cube SE II phonostage. However, I just ordered a Manley Chinook SE MK II from Upscale Audio, and so am considering upgrading my cartridge to an MC. The budget would be no more than $1200, but I’d prefer to stay around $1000.

I should also note that my entire system is tubed: I have an Octave V70se integrated with Black Box; a Prima Luna Evo 400 integrated; a Prima Luna Evo 100 all-tube DAC; and (now) a Manley Chinook all-tube phonostage. My speakers are Harbeth P3ESR-XDs (driven by the Octave) and Harbeth C7ES-3XDs (driven by the Prima Luna). I have a REL t5x with the P3s and a REL t7x with the C7s. 

Since this is my first foray into MC, I’m not sure which brands to check out. Around Chicago there are a few dealers that offer (among others): Benz, Hana, Sumiko, EAT, ClearAudio, Ortofon, Grado, Gold Note, Koetsu, Lyra, Rega, and Soundsmith.

I find the look of the wooden body cartridges very appealing, but not sure if they pair best with the 1210gae.


Any help would be very much appreciated!


In the named price range my recommendations are:


Jico Seto Hori

Acoustical Systems Fideles

Hana ML


If you are willing to send back the Manley phonopre you can

achieve the DS Audio systems. That is the best! Period!

You  could save some money and get an LVB250 stylus for your 2M Bronze.

Every bit as worthy as the lower-mid range MC cartridges.

BTW, not that it matters but the Chinook is a jFET/tube hybrid phono stage. It's very well suited to MM cartridges with useful capacitance adjustments and high overload margin and S/N in MM mode. So I wouldn't overlook the MM option.

AR9XI is an awesome choice even with the black cube seii.  

If you have the budget a Lyra Delos (my current champ) is the best sounding cart i have owned, better than the ortofon cadenza blue, AT ART9 and Soundsmith Zephyr MIMC star ES.  

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