Looking For New CD-SACD Player

Looking to replace my OPPO 205 CD -SACD PLAYER. Any ideas on a replacement for my OPPO 205. Want better sound for CD’s and SACD ‘s. It will be strictly used  for a 2 channel stereo set up. 







Are you using your oppo at your DAC?  if not, take a digital output from your oppo to your DAC and see how you like that sound.  Frankly there will be very little difference in the digital portion of any transport, the difference will be in the DAC.  So you're mostly shopping for a DAC with a transport attached.  I'd seperate them if you haven't already.



Thanks Jerry for your reply. I use the OPPO as a transport and use a Jeff Rowland Aeris as the DAC. The ROWLAND Dac soundsmuch better than the DAC in the Oppo. When I play SACD’s I need to use the DAC in the OPPO.