@holmz If you are interested in a range of DD TT's from various Brands, from a Vintage Era and willing to PM these to me.
I can assist you with a search for some of the items, if this is something you would like a support with.
I am looking at the Denon DP-3000, which appears like it might be able to slide out and mount into a homemade base?
Basically I am looking for a dual arm setup.
Also my existing TT only takes 1 arm, and it is limited in which arms lengths it can support.
Or are there other drive units which might be better suited to such a scheme?
@holmz If you are interested in a range of DD TT's from various Brands, from a Vintage Era and willing to PM these to me. I can assist you with a search for some of the items, if this is something you would like a support with.
Thanks @pindac I will - |
@holmz : Both are entry level items, SAEC had four other tonearms a top yours. In the early 80's the top of the line had retail price in Jpan of 108,000 Yens and ours 52K and the 308 48K Yens.
In the other side and if you own the Saphire ( you did not say it when posted. ) model maybe could be a good time to send to SOTA or at least ask if exist important up-dates between your unit and the today Saphire model and then keep the SOTA TT change that tonearm and build an external arm pod for your second tonearm and that's it. In any case you will need ( if you don't have it yet ) a good after market platform where the SOTA will seated isolated of vibrations/resonances and even that the Saphire has the vacuum hold down characteristic try to find out " dead " weigth of 200-300grs as a TT clamp even that you could think is redundant it's not and helps.
R. |