any thoughts on apogee centaur speakers?

I just purchased a pair,ran them against my Focal Chorus 816`s;I just love the Apogee`s - no comparison
BK I have a set of Slant 6s that I use (and I'll never part with 'em!) When I first got them I switched over to Aragon 2004 that produced outstanding results for me (Bi-wired) and imaging just blew me away! I changed my entire system and then used a Yamaha AX900U integrated with no problem then I switched (to my now) Classe CAP 151 with an ARC front end. Cables WILL MAKE A DIFFERENCE with Apogees. With my Slants I am using Grover Huffman ICs and speaker cables. Back to the amp... the Classe doesn't have the heavier bottom as the Aragon did but, is cleaner (not as dark) and just a touch softer on the top and I can listen to hours with no listening fatigue at all and I listen to all sorts of rock, blues, new age music. Your room plays a huge part in the sound staging and positioning is very important as well for your staging. They are very special speakers for sure enjoy and contact if I can be more help. And as a caveat these are strictly my opinions only.
I always loved my Centaurs. Stunning imaging. Extremely neutral presentation with lots of shimmer. Very picky about set up.

They're sitting in the garage, and have been for 10 years. Maybe it's time to see what they sound like today with a totally different set of electronics!
A lower Manhattan retailer had the 8" version (IIRC) on demo when I happened in there +/- 20 years ago. I remember thinking that it was the best soundstage/image I'd ever heard from a planar. Reporting now - 20 years after the fact - my impression of a two minute eavesdropped demo... so FWIW ;-]
I just purchased a pair of Minors and absolutely love them. I have them mated with a Nad 325bee and Marantz SACD player. I want to upgrade with smp/preamp any suggestions?