I am looking at the Denon DP-3000, which appears like it might be able to slide out and mount into a homemade base?

Basically I am looking for a dual arm setup.

Also my existing TT only takes 1 arm, and it is limited in which arms lengths it can support. 

Or are there other drive units which might be better suited to such a scheme?


thanks @rauliruegas 

There's actually a Townshend rock group on facebook that is run by a guy called Matt McNulty - very knowledgable. Sadly Max passed away recently and he was always open to discussion. I have a copy of the Bugge Thesis and Max was happy to let me share it. It's genuine scientific reasoning - not the usual quackery. The interesting thing was that it hints to the fact that bugge wanted to use this on a direct drive turntable motor unit. I am gonna do it with a Sony TTS8000


It contains images that will surely get the creative thoughts working overtime.

The Through Section of the JVC shows a substantial material has been selected for the Chassis and the walls and base of the Recessed Bowl.

Reminds me of a hemispheric resonator gyroscope.

Looks like the study of the Vintage Models has brought the 'Trekkie' fan out as well 😀 

Townshend Audio offered their damping trough separately in the late-80's/early-90's. I've never seen one for sale used, but one could be taken off a "sacrificial" Townshend Rock table and used on any other design. The cheapest Rock to find used is the Mk.3.