Prima Luna have released the Kracken (striketrough) I mean DAC

So has anyone in here actually heard it?
Will it be at Axpona, if so someone's got to say something about it please?

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Well before you shoot your wad the valves are for the built in pre-amp except for power supply and Russian "tube oscillator' inside.

I'm a satisfied owner of a PrimaLuna power amp, and am a fan of the brand.

However, I feel the hardwired super tube clock is a bit of a gaffe on their part being it's a consumable. Even if this tube lasts 10 years, who's to say you'll be able to obtain a replacement at that time? Resale is going to be a PITA since prospective buyers are going to want a definitive answer on age and hours of use.

They'd probably sell double the amount of these DACs if they wired those tubes to a socket and included a spare in the box.

I'm not a fan of the Primaluna style, but looks are not terribly important.  With its well tubed output stage, how quiet will it be? That EVO100 like it would fun to tube roll in.  I have plenty of decent to great extra 12AU7s and AX7s around.  I'm semi in the market for a new DAC (have an RME ADI2, it's perfectly fine, just looking for a change), I'll keep an eye on this one.

@gakerty if you're the tweeking type, have a look at the Musical Paradise MP-D2 tube DAC. I thoroughly enjoyed mine while I had it and its a relative bargain.