Speakers for string Quartets

Hi, I know already this is not a great question to ask, but…I’m looking for speakers that will only be used for string quartets.  Looking for something that will give me some of he sound of the body of the violin, not just strings. Looking for transparency with great tone, but don’t care too much about bass.
I have a large room, but never listen above 80db

current amps are Pass xa25, first watt F8, Aric Audio Single ended kt88, PS Audio m700.

just looking to really hear the violins, cellos. 
hHopefully the narrow range of music can reduce the list of prospects.




Suggest trying Harbeth SHL5+ with a lower powered amp & see what you think. I own them because they work well for me across many genres of music, but I enjoy cello and they certainly sing for that instrument - very musical down low, beautiful voicing and clarity throughout. Again, I’ve never played these with an amp putting out less than 40 wpc, but your needs obviously dependent on listening distance, volume etc.

Let us know how your thinking evolves and what you choose!

Have a great day

I had a pair of Totem Arros that worked very well within those constraints, in a small to mid-sized room. The speakers disappeared, the center image was very clear, the mid range was beautiful.  The price was under $2K.  

Chief say, “totem pole provide many face.”
Best is “about face”.

Klipsch Forte IV.  Hard to beat for the intensity and body of bowed strings, especially once you get to the cello.