Are Harbeth the only warm and euphonic speakers in town ?

I've looked far and wide especially for bookshelf speakers with prominent full mids and a lush sound. So far the only name that comes up is harbeth. Maybe Sonus faber but are there other speakers that have similar tone but are made by a different company?


I’m surprised no one has mentioned Magnepans.

i think that is because the op asked for a bookshelf speaker...

Ok guys grab this one!

I’ve been down the expensive speakers road many many times and don’t regret it at all- when I relocated to the tropics I never thought I would have to give up

tube equipment but I did! Also I gave up the large speakers bec my 12’x14’ cave

was what I wound up with-I should have thought this one out but I did not. 

in Sum I purchased a pair of Andrew Jones Elac 2.0/b 6.2 and a SS integrated amp

And I lucked out big time! The resonance of the room and the speaker output is a great marriage . Also got a pair of EPOS Epic 2- unreal!

And all at the a fraction of the expense of past gear!

The integrated amp is Rotel A-14- best kept secret - versatile great sound stage programmable auto shut off  and it works!

this is a long way financially from my Boulder equipment to mentions few !


I strongly rec Elac or Epos bookshelf speakers but the need power esp


bottom line- a good recording makes the gear sing

Stirling Broadcast are far and away the best value going among that speaker class. They cost less than Harbeth but can play much louder without strain. Just a better built speaker all-around.

The old Epos Mi series is a great value also, though not quite as warm. 




And I lucked out big time! The resonance of the room and the speaker output is a great marriage . Also got a pair of EPOS Epic 2- unreal!

When I compared my departed Epic 2s to the C7ES3s, the former were the clear winners, even if only for the difference in dynamics.