That’s what I told the individual who was helping me troubleshoot my Cary when he told me about how he had to bias his ARC. I said, "That’s interesting." But, I also said that I thought that it must make for a better tuned amp. I once had a pair of ARC VTM120s, & I vaguely remember hooking up leads for the multimeter to legs of resistors on the circuit board, and then adjusting the bias pot (on the board) with one of those plastic screw drivers you referred to. That typed, on those ARCs that I owned each bank of four 6550s were adjusted together.
As far as checking bias, I bought a dozen new reissued Tungsols going on a year or so ago, and I have actually been checking mine after every several hours of play time. Mainly what I am watching for is to see that the small changes in bias that occur are happening on both sides simultaneously (which for now, they are).