Power Cable Break In - Such a Change!

I installed a new AudioQuest Dragon Source power cord from my Lumin X1 to my Niagara 7000. The power cord from the wall to the Niagara 7000 is also a Dragon but the High Current version. I bought that cord used.

So, when I first started using the new power cord everything sounded great. However, after a couple of days I started hearing a strident sound. Especially in the upper mid/ treble region. The bass was also constricted. I started blaming the sound change on another piece of equipment that was installed concurrently.

Now, I was under the impression that the Dragon power cord with its DBS system required no break in. But I did inquire about it to AudioQuest who responded that it would still need about 150 hours to break in. It's been close to that now and sure enough yesterday I started hearing the glorious sound that I heard from day one with the power cord only perhaps better.

I must say the difference during break in and now is quite remarkable, I don't remember any other power cord going through this amount of dramatic change.



That video is not an explanation of complex physics, it’s pseudoscientific baloney.



I think these just sold unfortunately but 60 percent off. However register at both hifi shark and Usam and save your search term and you’ll get them soon enough.


@rwortman -

     What is it, far as the topics covered above, for which you are seeking an informed, scientific explanation?

     If you have any knowledge, at all, regarding the Sciences; you must be aware, that we only, "know" what comprises about 4% (matter AND energy) of this entire universe.

     Of that 4%: there are very few things that we can consider categorical, "fact" or, "Law".     The rest is all theory, over which Physicists and some of the greatest minds the planet has ever known, have argued since 1927 Vienna and the fifth Solvay Conference on Physics.

     If you're actually interested in some information, regarding the 20th Century's theories (ie: Electrical Theory (QED), semiconductor permittivity, wave/ particle duality, etc) and how those might explain some of what hear from our systems:  we're on.

     If you're just another naysayer, looking for the typical, inane, uneducated argument: forget about it!

                                      Either way: happy listening!


     Make that,  "... might explain some of WHAT'S HEARD from our systems..." (typo).

Ozzy, Can you compare your Synergistic Research Galileo SX power cord to the a new AudioQuest Dragon power cord? Especially if used in the same and different positions. PS, Love them Focals!