Billstivenson, great info. I also have luxman d-10x after having esoteric k-01x, accuphase dp-750 and some others. I decided not to run any brake in cds and just brake this player by playing music when I listen to it only. So for now it has about 100 hours on it. What I noticed with my unit that during first 50 hours the sound was inconsistent: one day analytical ,than after couple days musical and organic, than all of a sudden having too much bass or having lesser soundstage. Now at around 100 hours the soundstage and imaging are 3D and with proper hight and depth, bass firmed up, the whole presentation is dynamic and musical without any fatigue with great amount of details. Great player especially for jazz and classical. In my system it sounds as refined as accuphase dp-750 but more open and dynamic.
Did you noticed any shifts in sound during braking?