Power Cable Break In - Such a Change!

I installed a new AudioQuest Dragon Source power cord from my Lumin X1 to my Niagara 7000. The power cord from the wall to the Niagara 7000 is also a Dragon but the High Current version. I bought that cord used.

So, when I first started using the new power cord everything sounded great. However, after a couple of days I started hearing a strident sound. Especially in the upper mid/ treble region. The bass was also constricted. I started blaming the sound change on another piece of equipment that was installed concurrently.

Now, I was under the impression that the Dragon power cord with its DBS system required no break in. But I did inquire about it to AudioQuest who responded that it would still need about 150 hours to break in. It's been close to that now and sure enough yesterday I started hearing the glorious sound that I heard from day one with the power cord only perhaps better.

I must say the difference during break in and now is quite remarkable, I don't remember any other power cord going through this amount of dramatic change.



Spock actually used very expensive components and cables in his system, and strongly believed in break-in as essential... 

In a process he called vulcanisation.


I had the SR before I got the Dragons. The SR has a more dynamic and airy quality.

I think though with my AudioQuest 7000 power conditioner and other Dragons now in my system the Dragons are more of a fit. I may actually sell the SR to complete to all Dragons. I have never had a complete loom of one brand power cables in a long time.

That’s not to say anything against the SR, it really is a fantastic power cord. Especially if you were to have SR power conditioner.



Whether you know it or not, when you spend thousands of dollars on a power cord you have just entered the land of confirmation bias-- and there is far more actual peer-reviewed science to support that than there is, by miles, that supports the pseudo-scientific theories put forth by certain cable mfg’s.

Also, the poster that said that they have to charge what are essentially insane levels of price markup because, due to the stupid price, not so many people will want to buy them-- well gee, given you have all of that profit headroom why not lower the price way down and sell so many more of them? Why? Because, psychologically speaking, the price is a part of the sound.

I’d bet that no-one on this thread could listen to and rank a series of power cables by price, in their own system, using A-B testing-- even over long listening sessions with all of those cables previously "broken in".

BTW-- why do you think those super expensive power cords don’t come "pre-broken-in"? Given they cost thousands and have obscene profit margins, and adding the burn-in cost to the final product would be trivial on a $4,000 power cable for example. not-to-mention  that wasting 150 hours or more on break-in adds inevitable wear to your cartridges, tubes, electronics, etc.? Why indeed.

Don’t get me wrong, quality cables are essential to a good high-end analog system and the wire, connectors, and build are all important-- but you can get all of that from any number of cheaper cables-- and you will never know the difference, or be able to rank them by sound quality as I stated above.

And anyone with a "golden ear" surely knows that trying to judge the effect of a high-end cable or component listening to a YouTube video would hopefully know better than that.

Is there any other hobby that makes more wildly unprovable claims than this one? Maybe that could be a topic?

     The local Master Of The Deluded ("Trust ME, I’m a fictitious operative!"), quoting ANOTHER fictitious character, about, "self-deception".

"The capacity of Humans for self-deception is apparently unlimited" - Mr.Spock the Vulcan.

     "Louis Pasteur's theory of germs is ridiculous fiction."  (Pierre Pachet, Professor of Physiology at Toulouse , 1872) 

     "The abdomen, the chest, and the brain will forever be shut from the intrusion of the wise and humane surgeon,"  (Sir John Eric Ericksen, British surgeon, appointed Surgeon-Extraordinary to Queen Victoria 1873)

      "The super computer is technologically impossible.  It would take all of the water that flows over Niagara Falls to cool the heat generated by the number of vacuum tubes required." (Professor of Electrical Engineering, New York University)

       "Heavier-than-air flying machines are impossible!" (Lord Kelvin, president, Royal Society, 1895) 

      "There is no likelihood man can ever tap the power of the atom."  (Robert Millikan, Nobel Prize in Physics, 1923)

      "Man will never reach the moon regardless of all future scientific advances." (Dr. Lee DeForest, Father of Radio & Grandfather of Television)

      "The bomb will never go off.  I speak as an expert in explosives."  (Admiral William Leahy, re: US Atomic Bomb Project) 

      When the steam locomotive came on the scene; the best (scientific) minds proclaimed, "The human body cannot survive speeds in excess of 35MPH."     

      If the planet's innovators/inventors/scientists had paid heed to the ubiquitous bleating of the naysayer, from the dawn of humanity; we'd still be listening to conchs for entertainment.     Well: PERHAPS they'd have admitted one for each ear DOES create a stereo effect, but...

     Their church's credo should be, "Science?    We don't need no stinking Science!"   

                                         ESPECIALLY: ANYTHING NEW!