Solid State Phono Stages

I used to be an all-tube guy, but I’ve now ventured into the realm of high-end solid state with T+A and no longer have any itch to go back heavily into tubes. Now, the only tubes I have left in my system are in my Modwright PH9.0X phono, and from what I’ve demoed against it, it seems to be a giant killer. I do love it, but I’m curious to try a higher end solid state phono stage to see what more noise and more music might sound like. Unfortunately T+A does not have a standalone phono stage, so I’m looking at other manufacturers and open to other opinions.

I currently have a Clearaudio Innovation Wood table and Air Tight PC-1s cartridge. i listen to a wide range of music, from Zeppelin to Vivaldi to Beck to Coltrane to Yello. The stage would ideally have between 65-74db of gain, maybe adjustable to 60db at minimum, and have variable impedance values. A balanced output stage would be ideal. I don’t ever really plan to have a second arm, but most stages that retail over $7K tend to have multiple inputs anyways.

My budget would be at tops ~$8K for a used unit. The unit that is sticking out to me from what I’m reading about is the Simaudio Moon 810LP. Another high on the list is the Esoteric E-02. I’ve also come across the Pass XP-27, the Gold Note PH-1000.

I’m looking for a stage with some personality in its character, not one that is overly refined. I’d love for it to be dynamic and bold when it should be, and also gentle and refined when it should be.

The only solid state stages I’ve ever owned and tried were the Pass Labs Xono, which was clean sounding but a little noisy and brittle sounding compared to a PS Audio Stellar Phono. I’ve liked all my tube phono stages better than both of those units.

I’ve also considered going further up the tube stage route, looking at Doshi 3.0, Aesthetix IO Eclipse, but I’m hesitant unless I can hear those in place. 

What solid stage phono stages have you loved, and what have you compared them to?

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Very happy with my Pass XP-27.  Super quiet and brings out the uniqueness of each cartridge. No balanced input, but has a true balanced output. Great controls up front for MC, MI, MM carts.

Dear  @thiefoflight  :  Just pull the triger for the 610 by SimsAudio, no tube or hybrid designs can " touch " it. Latter on you can make an upgrade to the 610 with the external 820S power supply that not even the 810 has it. Obviously I'm in agreement with the gentlemans that posted here and that support the 610/810. Don't waist your time and as soon is posible start to enjoy the SimsAudio. You can't go wrong with and fulfill your tragets:


" when it should be, and also gentle and refined when it should be. " Yes, when it should be.


I think that in the same system with the same cartridge if you listen to the 610 and 810 will be extremely hard that you can say which one in true is better, not only different but better,


Regards and enjoy the MUSIC NOT DISTORTIONS,


@thiefoflight  I have the Rega P8 with Alpheta 3 MC cartridge.  Hegel H590 into Acoustic Zen speakers.  It is dead quiet so I'm not sure what noise others are complaining about.  My previous phono stage was the Vertere Acoustics’ Phono-1 MkII.  The JC3+ is superior in wvery way.  IMHO

@boothroyd looking at the Phono Loco and it looks like it requires a balanced input into the stage, meaning I would need balanced outs from my tonearm. I could get my tonearm to do so. It is possible, but I would want to make sure transimpedance is the way I would want to go. I strongly believe in using good cables. I’m currently using a Synergistic Research Atmosphere X Euphoria phono going into my phono stage. 

@solypsa and ​​​​@rauliruegas Thanks for the nudge to SimAudio. It continues to be the unit that piques my interest and the way you validate it’s sonic characteristics is reassuring and make it more appealing. I did not know about the 820S power supply, that makes it even more interesting to upgrade down the line!

@karl_desch I have heard the XP27 a few times as well in a friend’s all Pass system. It too is very good, so worth considering.

@bigtwin The noise I mention is likely not one that is readily audible from listening position, but one that obscures imaging and separation. Even by looking at the stats, it has a range of SNR from 87db down to 67db. I think that is noisier than even my Modwright tube unit. I know most record surface rumble generates around 70-75db SNR anyways, but adding yet another layer of noise never helps. Many of the other stages I’m looking at are up in the 90-100db SNR range, which will be beneficial to pair with my preamp and amp which are all >115db SNR. 


@thiefoflight Nice looking specs on the Moon product.  I would expect that at three times the price. I'm at the point where my ears just can't hear the difference above a certain level of quality.  Cheers.