Thiel Owners


I just scored a sweet pair of CS 2.4SE loudspeakers. Anyone else currently or previously owned this model?
Owners of the CS 2.4 or CS 2.7 are free to chime in as well. Thiel are excellent w/ both tubed or solid-state gear!

Keep me posted & Happy Listening!

I had a Modwright KWA150SE driving my Thiel 3.7s at one point.  Many moons ago I owned 2.3s and 7.2s after that.  Before the Modwright amp, I had a bunch of Proceed amps (HPA) and Bryston amps (ST and SST series).  I now use a Class D amp (and had a couple of other Class Ds before the modded LSA Voyager I have now) and they all drove my 3.7s better and sounded better.  The 3.7s are a harder load than the 2.3s, but not as hard as driving my old 7.2s.  

As you noted, the room is very important.  Also the way one listens both the type of music and how loud they listens matters.  I can play my 3.7s loud with no issue.  I also have an integrated AV system and still use my Modwright LS36.5 DM preamp for music.  The 2.3s when pushed (do you have the originat tweeters - I believe eventually they had newer ones which were vented) can start to have a bit of harshness.  The 2.4s were a bit better (when my friend worked at a high end shop many moons ago, I did most of his deliveries and installs with him over about a 6 year period - I remember delivering a pair of 2.3s with him and the room was just an awful choice for those speakers - high all glass walls on 2 sides, a stone and glass fireplace across the way and a small wall in between the glass walls with a coffee table at an angle that was used for the components - could not wait to get out of there - hurt my ears).



Thank You for addressing thosb query on the ModWright gear. I knew that we had a Modwright owner or 2 on the Panel. Class D is a different kind of Amp. Good to read that you are enjoying success with the LSA Voyager.


Happy Listening!



Thank You for citing Dan Wright's reply to your KWA 100 SE query. Did Dan talk about peak current in (A)mperes ?


Happy Listening!



Do you recall the peak Amperes of the KWA 150SE ? This measurement or Slew Rate are strong indicators on the performance of a Power amp.


Happy Listening!

Thanks guys.  Good to know re the MW KWA 150 SE, but it's in another league compared to the 100, spec and price wise.  Dan didn't share any details in terms of peak current, his was just a quick response.  I do have the newer tweeters, same as the 2.4s I think.  Guess it's smarter to hold off and consider either the Peachtree or LSA GaN or maybe Audio GD Master 3A or used Ayre.