Please Help T3F problems

I really Miss my Goldmund Studio/T3F

As soon as I turn the table on the toneearm drives straight to the spindle risking my Kouetsu Onyx cartridge. It did this to me years ago and I found that by repeatedly turning it off and on I eventually got it to work and I just left it turned on. That worked for awhile but now it will not come out of that mode.

I have a Krell, Apogee Fullrange, Suprateck system and cds just aren't cutting it.

If anyone has any experience with this, Id really appreciate any assistance 



Thanks in advance for any help



I tried cleaning all the contacts on the pc board and tonearm sensors, that didn't help.

I tried disconnecting the arm cable and powered the servo on and off.  Without the arm being connected to the servo pl8, I got different responses from it. sometimes the arm server display showed that it wanted to drive to the spindle the next time it wanted to cue the arm, occasionally it showed that it wanted to move the arm to the outside of the album area and a few times, it showed that it wasn't trying to do anything. . I don't understand how the servo can display different responses when its not connected to the arm sensors.


Has anyone had issues with the hardware/software of the servo pl8?



I gather you sourced the information referenced by Raul in his post above, which takes you to Soundfountain, and Soundfountain provides some valuable info on the mechanism, and a diagram of the works, if you follow the path on Sf. The results you got with the arm disconnected might just mean that disconnecting the arm confuses the servo as to where the arm is in its path to the spindle. Info on the Sf website indicates there are two motors, in both the Rabco SL8 and SL8E. We might assume that the T3F resembles the SL8E, since it post-dates the latter Rabco. Anyway, the motor to drive the pivot toward the spindle is evidently housed in a small black box that rides on the rail. The second motor apparently has only the job of raising and lowering the arm wand. (You probably know all this; I am just thinking out loud.) If you haven’t already seen the diagrams on Sf, then maybe it can help.

I googled "Rabco tonearm owners group" and found this group on Lenco Heaven:

Those Lenco guys are very helpful.  There are more such sites, if you care to google the topic I put in quotations above.