Can a modern arm beat my MAX-282?

I recently had the oportunity to pick up an Air Tight PC-1 Coda for a great price and have been very impressed with it's performance over my long-time cartridge (Shelter Harmony). It's gotten me wondering how far I can taky my vinyl rig.

I'm currently running it on my Micro Seiki MAX-282 with the J-shaped arm.

I'm now wondering whether the arm could be holding things back. The MAX has never been a popular arm, but I've always been happy with its performance. I'd love to hear what folks here think a modern arm might bring to the system.

I'd be consdering things in the range of the 4point 11, Reed 3p, SME Series V, etc. I suppose I'd also consider a 3012R or FR64, since I've never heard these arms.

I'm curious if this would just be different or if I could acheive a broad improvement. Any thoughs?

My deck is a Micro RX-5000 Air with the BA-50 base and my phono stage is an Accuphase C-47.



Dear @domino22  :  The MAX 282/237 with the J arm wand is just areference for any other tonearm in the today and in the vintage times. I owned the RX5000and both MAX tonearms.


The MAX gyroscopic bearing is an unbeatable design, the tonearm is very well damped and is a VTF unique balanced design where MS did not use the ringing spring as other today and vintage designs but the GST-801.


You are in heaven with the MAX. Along all  its unique designs you can add the other arm wands especially the straigth one and you canfind out too the 237 arm wand and use with the one you have.

My only advise to improve even more the quality performance of the MAX is to make an internal rewiring of e cables for today better ones as the silver Audio Note.

Regards and enjoy the MUSIC NOT DISTORTIONS,


Very nice analog system. Step up in either table or arm will be VERY expensive. It is possible that you might test out a few phono preamps against the excellent C47. Odds are good it will be very costly to beat as well, but sometimes it is a matter of what suits you better, right? 

I do like the 4pt14 for lower compliance carts...

Oh and some people would never have an FR64S or 3012 R in their system and others never without :) such is the hobby

@rauliruegas, nice to see another fan of the MAX arms! I've never actually understood what 'gyroscopic bearing' really means, any idea? I actually have the medium mass straight arm as well but though the J arm might match the PC-1 better. Any idea who could rewire one of these arms? It must be a difficult task with all the internal connections.

@solypsa, thanks for the input! My turntable is one component I never plan to replace. Hard to beat the simplicty and flexibilty of the RX-5000! I would be open to trying another phono stage but would need to do some reasearch. I did look at the 4pt14, but as you said, this gets into the 'very expensive' category! Do you find it's superior to the 11 even for carts that have a suitable compliance for both?