Can a modern arm beat my MAX-282?

I recently had the oportunity to pick up an Air Tight PC-1 Coda for a great price and have been very impressed with it's performance over my long-time cartridge (Shelter Harmony). It's gotten me wondering how far I can taky my vinyl rig.

I'm currently running it on my Micro Seiki MAX-282 with the J-shaped arm.

I'm now wondering whether the arm could be holding things back. The MAX has never been a popular arm, but I've always been happy with its performance. I'd love to hear what folks here think a modern arm might bring to the system.

I'd be consdering things in the range of the 4point 11, Reed 3p, SME Series V, etc. I suppose I'd also consider a 3012R or FR64, since I've never heard these arms.

I'm curious if this would just be different or if I could acheive a broad improvement. Any thoughs?

My deck is a Micro RX-5000 Air with the BA-50 base and my phono stage is an Accuphase C-47.



Oh and some people would never have an FR64S or 3012 R in their system and others never without :) such is the hobby

@rauliruegas, nice to see another fan of the MAX arms! I've never actually understood what 'gyroscopic bearing' really means, any idea? I actually have the medium mass straight arm as well but though the J arm might match the PC-1 better. Any idea who could rewire one of these arms? It must be a difficult task with all the internal connections.

@solypsa, thanks for the input! My turntable is one component I never plan to replace. Hard to beat the simplicty and flexibilty of the RX-5000! I would be open to trying another phono stage but would need to do some reasearch. I did look at the 4pt14, but as you said, this gets into the 'very expensive' category! Do you find it's superior to the 11 even for carts that have a suitable compliance for both?

Dear @domino22  : In the MAX is almost easy to rewire because what will be rewired is the removable arm wands. 

For internal rewire here two options but if you google there are more:  or   


@solypsa  : If you are refering me I owned the FR66 and still own the 64 and that's why I know for sure is really bad flly undamped tonearm and with that VTF ringing balanced desig. Yes, I heard and own the 3009/3012.


Only for your records. Btw, Did you own the MAX282/237?



@domino22 no, I think the 4pt11 is very nice too, but for the case of those well known carts that like higher mass the 4pt14 is great.


@rauliruegas unfortunately not. Have friends that do. I would gladly though...