Tone arm plug in RCA cable?

I have a tone arm with a connector that plugs into the bottom of the arm to get the L/R channels from the stereo cart. 

There are currently going into a Sumiko Premire PIB 1 box on the side of the deck… The RCAs going to the phono stage are then combing off of that “break out” box.

So a handful of suggestions of phono lines to come off the table would be great to have.

Or do I just get some thin silver wire and twist up some, as they only need to be maybe 10” long (if even that long),


@holmz : Please follow the @lewm and other gentleman advise. You don’t need the PIB..


" I need to try a different search engine. "


I think not, what you need is to follow trusty audiophiles that give you " solutions on hand " and stop to follow stupid posts.



I can only work with what I have, so if it looks stupid I can only offer and apology as that is as good as it gets. But as I asking,  it appears that I am open to receiving trustworthy advice.


The PIB is as @imhififan posted.

I’ll try an older DIN to RCA I have laying around, and see how it sounds, and then go from there.

Is there any meaningful sonic advantage in going direct from DIN to phono stage?
(I think in the past it was mostly a PITA to get the cable into the phonostage without jostling the TT.)

Theoretically, less break in the signal chain is better and I understand why SOTA turntable user preferred a interface box.



I’ll try an older DIN to RCA I have laying around, and see how it sounds, and then go from there.

IMO, a cable clamp can serve the same purpose as a PIB if using DIN to RCA cable.


Yeah @imhififan My serial number is lot lower, and the PIB is just around the corner (clockwise when looking down.)… other than that, it looks about the same.


All the folk who recommend getting rid of the PIB are missing a trick.

Interconnects are far more commonly available to audition than DIN phono cables.

My recommendation is keep the PIB so that you can try different interconnects, and then when you have found the best interconnect, then you can order one with a DIN and remove the PIB.

In other words leaving the PIB enables you to try different interconnects more easily.