Magnepan 3.7 or PSB Synchrony One?

Has anyone had the opportunity to compare these speakers?
I will need an amplifier to go along with these as well.
This is a great help - thanks

I hope to see additional input as well. I'm not as able to spend large amounts of cash on audio stuff as I once was so it's important I do my best to make a wise choice.
You need to hear these speakers for yourself, there is no substitute. I own the 3.7s and I haven't gotten much out of the responses on this thread other than each partisan defending his own choice, which is par for the course on internet forums.
Thank you Djcxxx -
I know and it seems to be the nature of things. Audio is a pursuit of passion and as a result opinions, likes, and dislikes get defended. That's part of the fun. :-)
I agree listening is the optimum way but I'm in the 'sticks' so it's not always and easy thing to accomplish.
I always like to hear from others. In part because it's very easy to get impressed for a short time by something,especially speakers, and later find out what seemed a minor flaw in the beginning is something that wears on you long term.
i've got no dog in the hunt, but have auditioned and was very impressed with both (which, as above noted, really are different animals). the psbs to me were a great all-arounder with no discernible weaknesses--detailed, full range with seamless driver integration, i do not find that they "present a small image"; i think they have a significantly wider soundstage than the 3.7s, which have a more limited sweet spot. the 3.7s are obviously bigger, more challenging to place and drive and definitely need a sub (or two). however, they 3.7s present as transparent, lifelike and natural a sound as you'll hear, even more so than the very transparent psbs. the practical choice here would be the psbs, since they're less dominant aesthetically and you don't have to invest in the high-powered amps, subs, etc.; however, if you willing to make the commitment and wanted the best sound in a dedicated room, the 3.7s might be the choice.
What size is your room? The 3.7's are the far superior speaker overall, but
to get them to true potential you need a very good amplifier that can put out
some stiff current. For example, there's a great deal on a Musical Fidelity
A5 intergrated amp on Audiogon that would be a great match for the