Upgraded McCormack DNA-1 or Dennis Had Inspire SEP?

It’s make or break time. I need to make a decision about which direction I need to take regarding my next amplifier. I’m coming from a Jolida Fusion 3502P that I’ve spent the last year searching for the best tube combinations.

Do I keep the McCormack DNA-1 I just bought and save up to have it upgraded, or do I sell it and buy a new Insipre amp from Mr. Had? 

I have a pair of Klipsch Cornwalls, Better Cables silver serpent interconnects, high quality copper speaker cables, and I’m feeding them with a Marantz preamp, through which I feed almost all my music via Amazon/Heos.


Thanks in advance.


@jsbw Congrats on the amp! Should be great with the Klipsch. I've done a lot of tube rolling with mine. If you're not afraid of using adapters you can get sublime sound for not too much cash. You can use soooooooo many different tubes, you can go crazy. I might resemble that comment lol. I've used 6aq5,6f6, 6v6, 807, 6ar6, el34, kt88, el38, 7c5, and probably more for output tubes. So many good sounding combs out there. 

Not trying to interfere in your quest but I have a Line Magnetic tube amp I luv and if I were looking into another integrated tube amp that had awesome bang for the buck and gave me the ability to get warranty work in the USA I would look hard at the Willsenton R800i. A beast of an amp and at a great price. Although it may run hot??

What is the minimum efficiency rating of speakers that one could get away with (with that amp)?

@immatthewj it's going to depend on how loud you listen and how far away your speakers are from you. I typically listen around 75db and max out in the mid 80s. My speakers are about 7 feet from me. My speakers (Phase Technology PC 3.5) are around 90db sensitive and I have no trouble hitting my limits even with my lowest power combo. Of course I'm probably rarely going over a watt at a time.