Solid State Phono Stages

I used to be an all-tube guy, but I’ve now ventured into the realm of high-end solid state with T+A and no longer have any itch to go back heavily into tubes. Now, the only tubes I have left in my system are in my Modwright PH9.0X phono, and from what I’ve demoed against it, it seems to be a giant killer. I do love it, but I’m curious to try a higher end solid state phono stage to see what more noise and more music might sound like. Unfortunately T+A does not have a standalone phono stage, so I’m looking at other manufacturers and open to other opinions.

I currently have a Clearaudio Innovation Wood table and Air Tight PC-1s cartridge. i listen to a wide range of music, from Zeppelin to Vivaldi to Beck to Coltrane to Yello. The stage would ideally have between 65-74db of gain, maybe adjustable to 60db at minimum, and have variable impedance values. A balanced output stage would be ideal. I don’t ever really plan to have a second arm, but most stages that retail over $7K tend to have multiple inputs anyways.

My budget would be at tops ~$8K for a used unit. The unit that is sticking out to me from what I’m reading about is the Simaudio Moon 810LP. Another high on the list is the Esoteric E-02. I’ve also come across the Pass XP-27, the Gold Note PH-1000.

I’m looking for a stage with some personality in its character, not one that is overly refined. I’d love for it to be dynamic and bold when it should be, and also gentle and refined when it should be.

The only solid state stages I’ve ever owned and tried were the Pass Labs Xono, which was clean sounding but a little noisy and brittle sounding compared to a PS Audio Stellar Phono. I’ve liked all my tube phono stages better than both of those units.

I’ve also considered going further up the tube stage route, looking at Doshi 3.0, Aesthetix IO Eclipse, but I’m hesitant unless I can hear those in place. 

What solid stage phono stages have you loved, and what have you compared them to?

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Enthusiast evolve in their understanding of how to listen to music analytically and for pleasure.

Enthusiast also evolve in their understanding of how the system in use works as an entire set up. The enthusiast will have a good grasp on where the system is in terms of the performance on offer and where they might have a want for it, as it is not quite able to deliver in a certain frequency or perception to the owners unique preferences.

Engineers evolve as well, their hands on experience and interactions hone the skill set, and the hooks that adopt to eek the best out of a circuit becomes their signature.

Keeping in contact with an individual who has skills that one can only dream off acquiring and also one that has a trust in you, at times inviting you along for ypur thoughts to be shared and showing a dependence on your own experiences, is a great place to be. I would not change a thing.

Andy Groves who is the Head Engineer in Audionote and possibly is executive in the Company was the designer of my first owned SS Phonostage.

Andy was also instrumental in the design of my first Valve Power Amp.

Both of these designs introduced me to an EE who I am still good friends with today and we are at present doing a project together once more.

Andy now uses Panzerholz as part of the structure for certain Audionote Circuits, the material might even be used for all the products created at present.

Is this a circuit improvement electronically or is a structure that improves the circuit when in operation ?? It is a hook and is born as an idea and then curiosity has yielded the result where the method is seen as worthwhile and to part of a design.

My own Engineer has developed hooks and he is quite protective of these, he has always requested that I do not make knowledge of his IP known, which I have faithfully honoured.

Another Electronics Engineer friend who has produced Pre Amps and Phonostages,  felt that his HiFi system was maxed, and there was no need to add a device of any type.

They were curious about the interfaces for the umbilical's.The individual has high quality Cables and RCA Plugs, and focused on the Chassis Sockets, as the next parts to be considered to be exchanged.

The swap of the Sockets to another brands Chassis Mount Sockets blew him away at the improvements on offer, I have heard this exchange of parts and the change is detectable and is a method I will be adopting.

Keeping the curiosity and interest is important and being broad minded will go a long way. A look at the simpler things in the system can yield the levels of change in a system, that some part with extortionate amounts of monies to try to correct. 


I hope i did not offend you as that wasn't intended. The problem with forum threads is that it often becomes my latest is the best and i will talk about it until i get the next item.

roy gregory who was at hifi plus did a series of very good reviews around 15 years ago - many of the units are still in production such as the EAR, Boulder and Tom Evans.

If it were my money - BOULDER; WHEST - 

If I could afford it constellation - also consider parasound jc3 - i heard one in a parasound system - i have both a whest and vendetta in my system - love them both

@lohanimal Not offended and agree with you that written communications on forums can be misconstrued given lack of supporting tone at times. I, too, was just further stating my case in my response. Good to hear your recommendations, they are appreciated. 

Two sleepers from me: I run a Zyx Universe CU24 on a Dynavector arm through a Bobsdevices Altec TBB103 SUT to a Zyx Artisan, which is not a universal tool but through its battery supply very quiet and with the Zyx cartridge beautifully neutral and musical

I also run a Scheu MC (Benz modification) on a Mørch arm through a balanced connection to an Aqvox 2ci. This combo is punchier but less musical than the Zyx, more for rock music whereas the Zyx shines on classical. The Aqvox in balanced mode is very impressive but doesn’t match the Zyx as well as the Artisan.

musical surroundings phenomena II plus with linear charging power supply.

This combo sounds much better than it's price would suggest.

See Herbs report in stereophile