Has the cost of HiFi gotten a bit too much?

I don't have any specific example but just from looking at it overall, it seems like high-end components prices have really risen more than inflation.  

Or may be it is must me?


 controlled propaganda from different parties and players...

then this

Noam Chomsky once quipped that if the Nuremberg laws and regs applied.. each and every president since then, would be hung by the neck until dead, for the crimes of genocide

WTF, to diminish and dilute the evil that was the Holocaust in a "quip".  

So off topic that it beggars belief, but I'm glad the opportunity exists for the David Irving apologists to display their true colors for all to witness.

Like all markets, there are low and high-cost goods. Currently, all goods are going up in price. We are all along for the ride. Sadly the future does not look good on so many fronts not the least of which are the traitors( by design or thru stupidity)  currently attempting to overthrow our democracy through lies and manipulations.

Has the cost of HiFi gotten a bit too much?

A "bit too much" for what?  The USA and most other countries represented on this site practice free enterprise.  In the absence of monopolies and other nefarious/illegal practices, merchants set their pricing based on what the market will bear and based on their desired business model.  Within legal boundaries, there is no rule that the pricing of home hi-fi equipment must stay below the level of inflation.  Buyers decide what they like and vote with their wallets.  Businesses thrive or die based on the outcome. What would you change?

As someone else pointed out, with luxury items, not everyone can afford everything.  That fact really has not changed over time, but maybe the expectation has.  At least most people have the opportunity to change their circumstance, and while socio-economic factors and luck can influence the outcome, the combination of hard work, education, and living within your means usually go a long way toward improving one's condition.

The reality is, gas is the lifeblood of all things that have a cost.

So yes  Biden and his admin are the cause for gas price elevation,  with a little icing by the Russian embargo.

Printing money bodes for the future.  Essentially anything in your saving account now will be worthless in your old age.