Magnepan and Bob Carver Raven amps

I know the Magnepans are not very efficient and most of the amps that are usually paired with these speakers are not to my licking.

I own the Bob Carver Raven mono block amps; Will these amps provide sufficient power for the Magnepans? They are rated at 350 RMS at 8 ohms and 400 at 4 ohms, but they are tubed so that may matter.

I was considering either the 3.7i or the 20.7.



jhills....same here. I went with tubes, but the extra heat isn't need here in New Orleans either. I lucked out on a great deal for a killer SS amp.

Glen Poor Audio sells Magnepan and Carver. I use heavily modified BAT VK-150's to drive my 1.7i maggies. You need a high current amp.

Just got a response back from Glen Poor' Audio. They do have both products on hand and think it is a good match.  I will visit them in the next few months for a demo.


He also sells Bat. He was a founder of the company. Geoff has had his hands in a lot of equipment.