Who Is An Expert On Acutex Cartridges?

I am curious. What happened to the company? Did the 320 III LPM or the 320 III STR come first? I also know of a 420 STR. Where are they now?

Regards, Lewm:

The 320 has been listed for more than a week, I'm surprised it's still available.

I have the Soundsmith stylus for Grace F-9 as well as the OCC160. For retrieval of micro detail, rise and decay without overshoot the AT cart is superb. With bowed instruments, resonance from wrapped strings is distinct from simple tone. Bass has presence without overwhelming the upper registers. The F-9, while delightful to listen to lacks the snap and separation of the AT. I believe there are two factors (at least) contributing to the difference. The Grace generates 3.5 mV, output impedance is 1700 Ohm. The AT, 4mV / 2300 Ohm output. More significant (IMHO) is the ceramic cap the cart body is fastened to. Resonances are apparently contained to the cart itself. 


Years ago Edgar Villchur experimented with placing two small ball bearings and a section of sewing needle between cart and headshell. So to speak, tiptoes for your cart. I don't recall his exact words but he suggested the experiment was worth a listener's time. Seems terribly "fiddly" to me, never tried the application.


A while back Grado included a triangular aluminum spacer with their carts, a dimple raised in each of the three corners. No one could say exactly what it did but those who were familiar with it were pretty eager to obtain another. For several years they commanded a premium. On the Korf Blog, there is a test of the NLA AT ceramic spacer, the controlled testing it was put through found improved bass and reduced ringing:




The point is? On the Lenco Heaven site, the Acutex LPM315 STR was referred to as "the bass monster". I found the bass improved when the 315 was separated from the headshell with a spacer fashioned from a ten cent peice, drilled to accommodate the one-half inch mounting. Perhaps I was just bored? None the less, for a little effort and minimal expense, with the Acutex there was a positive outcome. There is noticeable ringing when mounted to either the standard Technics or a magnesium SAEC headshell, the Ortofon LH-8000 is well damped and to my taste, complements the Acutex LPM carts,  


Anyway, the B & O MMC1 is very sought after. Regrets expressed for the wounding of your carts, I'm pretty sure SoundSmith is the right choice to return them to their  glory.


Forgive me for rambling, and,













I'm happy to have encountered this thread, it serves as a reminder to try my Acutex cartridges again (MCR 320 STR III, and 415 STR) again.

Other aspects in the audio chain has taken precedence over the Acutex issue, but recent improvements in the system has revealed how much better my analog front end is these days, so it's about time to put the Acutex carts back in again.

I've been enjoying an AT ART-9, incredible cartridge.  

My salutations to you all,


Timel, I actually have a Grado TLZ that I used as my one and only cartridge for several years back in the 80s. I still have its factory packaging which includes that triangular, dimpled piece of plastic for separating cartridge from headshell. I remember trying to install it was more trouble than the value of it, if any. With the Acutex cartridges, if you use the Saturn V, which I am using now out of necessity because I damaged the conventional headshell adapter, you of course have no use for a spacer, or the spacer is irrelevant. I can’t tell yet whether I like the LPM320 best in a headshell or in the Saturn V. The disaster with my MMC1 prompted me to dig out an MMC20CL that I bought "used" several years ago during the MM craze. Microscopic exam of the stylus the other day shows it to be in excellent condition, so I am going to give it a go. It either came with the B&O adapter that resembles the Saturn V, or I bought that adapter separately. So, once assembled, the MM20CL in its slender adapter that fastens right up to the arm wand, resembles an Acutex cartridge in the Saturn V. Haven’t heard the MM20CL yet. Maybe by tomorrow I will have an opinion.

There has been some contretemps on this website regarding the "Cartridge Enhancer" which is a spongy spacer meant to go between cartridge and headshell. Some loved it; some hated it; some heard no difference.

Regards, Lewm, Islandmandan:


Lew, I tried the Saturn V, seemed to diminish that intangible referred to as "air". Resonances can be either constructive or destructive, I'm unable to support it but it seems to me the flimsy mount of the LPM series contributes a character to these carts I very much enjoy.


If I follow you correctly, the MMC20CL is line contact on sapphire, the MMC1, same, and now the Acutex 315 rebuilt with LC on sapphire, should make for some interesting listening! 


Much discussion relative to resonance has been engaged in, wether to damp (at the pickup) or dump through the TA (deck, platter, LP & back to the cartridge). Spacers, isolation devices and probably the "Cartridge Enhancer" modify system dependent characteristics, there's no easy answer there. It seems I'm transitioning to Yamamoto and Ortofon wood headshells. With the variations in species there is a degree of capability to "tune" the cart to the rig, the Saturn V headshell and Grado spacer sit idle in a drawer. 


Islandmandan, our fellow forumite "Frogman" has a high opinion of the Acutex 415.

Mine required attention to every aspect of setup. It is a very interesting cartridge.



Timeltel, the 415 is very good cartridge, especially considering its price. I don't remember how much I paid for it, but it wasn't much.

I've got to stop being lazy and listen to more vinyl!

