Thiel Owners


I just scored a sweet pair of CS 2.4SE loudspeakers. Anyone else currently or previously owned this model?
Owners of the CS 2.4 or CS 2.7 are free to chime in as well. Thiel are excellent w/ both tubed or solid-state gear!

Keep me posted & Happy Listening!

tomthiel wrote " your 03 woofers are Eminence and I would love to know the model numbers on those".

Yes, the "67" in the date code indicates the manufacturer is Eminence. Markings: 10KZHG8GX Date Code: 67-7920

 I'll send you more info/photos soon. Thanks!



^The Benchmark amps are at the very top when it comes to a lack of distortion within their load tolerance. They are also somewhat special in that their input allows for a variability that is somewhat uniquely accommodating for system matching.  Regrettably, many Thiels have impedance loads that is outside the window of ideal operation for them. The Benchmarks are not designed to work optimally with many Thiels. While I'm hardly the one to make such a supposition, I don't believe that Jim Thiel would have traded his Krell for the current (or lack thereof) Benchmarks. They could very well be the very best amps for different speakers.


I have no problem with massive orchestral works -- Bruckner, Mahler, Stravinsky, Carter et alia playing at concert level through my 3.7s in my 21x20x8' listening room. My two AHB-2 amps don't even blink.

I tried and almost loved the AHB2 with my Thiel CS3,7’s. I tried a single AHB2 in stereo and also 2 in mono. My room is small so I thought the lack of power at 2 Ohm region with the AHB2 would be OK. On most music the sound is incredible. However, with some very powerful music I felt like it was missing some grunt.

I emailed John Siau at Benchmark about the low imeddance ability of the AHB2 with the CS3.7. He said it would be great. I think it can be bettered with a more powerful low impedance amp.

I am keeping my Benchmark stack downstairs with my KEF LS50’s, a LA4 preamp, a DAC3B, and AHB2 amp (need to re-buy a 2nd AHB2 later). This will be used with a KEF Blade META much later in the future. The Blades are not as hard to drive as the CS3.7.

On the Thiel system I tried many amps that were better at 2 Ohm. These included the following:

- LSA Voyager GAN 350 (modified by EVS)

- Parasound A21+

- CODA #8

- KRELL Duo 175XD

- D-Sonic M3a 800s.

All these amps had more ’grunt’ with the music I found the AHB2 lacking. I only have the CODA #8 and the KRELL 175XD left on the Thiel system. I rotate the 2 amps between my RAAL SR1a headphones and Thiel CS3.7 speakers. I am finding it difficult to take the KRELL out if the Thiels because it sounds so good, 175 watts in Class A. However, I will force myself tonight because I want to hear the RAAL again with the KRELL.

BTW - the modified LSA Voyager is very similar sonically to the AHB2 but with more overall power (better for Thiel). I kept the CODA #8 over the Voyager mainly because I already had the AHB2 and preferred it over the Voyager with the LS50s.