Thiel Owners


I just scored a sweet pair of CS 2.4SE loudspeakers. Anyone else currently or previously owned this model?
Owners of the CS 2.4 or CS 2.7 are free to chime in as well. Thiel are excellent w/ both tubed or solid-state gear!

Keep me posted & Happy Listening!

Thanks guys, IMO a single Coda#16 would easily outperform 2 AHB-2s driving CS 3.7s.

Anyway i will start by demoing the Gryphon Essence stereo pre-power combo and see how that goes against my Diablo 300.

Since i now have Cardas Clear Beyond IC and SC in my system this has brought my Diablo 300 Thiel CS 3.7 combo to another league, absolutely insane level of performance!


In small bites. Jim chose the big Krell FPB600. Other muscle amps no doubt 'outperform' the AHB-2. I like the 'grunt' of my bridged Classé DR9s (1100 watts / 2ohms.) Bill Thalmann is presently hot-rodding them. And Nelson Pass is a hero of mine. So then, what's my AHB problem?



Good to see you this Spring Saturday. Have you found a new retail space for Hot Rod Garage II ? Or a studio space?  I hope  that you are well and enjoying research and development (R&D).


Happy Listening!

jafant - No retail space in the cards. Open studio space still a couple of dim possibilities. Workspace is materializing a little at a time.

sdl4 - distortion profiles are intriguing. More generally various forms of aural masking are intriguing. The aural cortex does somersaults to create the mental image we call ’hearing’. The entire chain from live event to listened experience is convoluted. I am committed to Jim’s approach that those factors are the business of those links in the chain. Unraveling and/or compensating for such problems downstream carries its own down-sides. Many products do just that: compensate for upstream deficiencies. One cost is that some sort of signal resolution or fidelity suffers. Philosophically, I would prefer Nelson to work on reducing upper-harmonic distortion rather than masking it with added lower harmonic distortion, which is more distortion, not less.

I should insert a life-long noticing that distortion is quite often a preference, in sound as in much of life.

I’ll also add that DMP’s founder Tom Jung used CS5s as mastering monitors because they helped him find and minimize those upstream artifacts which conversely would remain invisible via masking by downstream products in the service of ’sounding better’.

More later.