The New Synergistic Research Purple Fuses

This thread is intended for those who are actually using the new SR Purple Fuses. In my system, they are a significant improvement over the SR Orange fuses. What are your impressions? 


@highstream Thanks for the heads up on the 3 for 1 offer. It's a big deal considering my power amp requires 5 fuses, going to be a major pain checking the direction of all those fuses unless I try them individually in a single fuse component first. Unless you have advice?

Going to try and check all my fuses tomorrow  and if I have a few of the same size/current I'll also try to get an AM Masterpiece to compare.

Thanks Again

Ted Denny III wrote about burn in: “And you don’t need music running through the system, just leave equipment on where they’re applied.”

Ted, What does “on” mean? Wouldn’t a trickle current suffice for gear that has that, as opposed to necessarily turning on the component into operating mode?


@melton Have you asked the developer what those internal fuses do? I would think that the greatest benefit would come from changing the AC fuse, usually in back. That’ one feeds the power supply, which determines the quality of what’s supplied to everything else.

@highstream Yes that's what I'll do, change the main fuse first. The four other fuses I believe are to protect the transformers.

On vocals, not only do I hear the voice, but I can also discern the personality of the vocalist, even make out their facial expressions

LMAO!!! You can't make this stuff up!!!

At 100 hours I’d still say the Purple has significantly more weight and bass than the Orange, and perhaps less air up top. Overall audio quality is better, though.

And yeah, as with some other audio products it does give me the effect of being able to "see" the singer's face illuminated.