Speakers for digital piano

I recently bought a table with a build-in drawer for my digital piano.

The table is good and all, but sadly the sound of my digital piano sounds much worse...

I'm looking for a solution, possibly some speakers that I can connect my piano to, possibly also my pc at the same time. Any suggestions?


I had my stereo components in an entertainment console circa 1988 in my basement and when I finally replaced it with a solid component rack the sound quality improved immeasurably. go figure. Can you return the table?

Isolation footers under the keyboard?  Something like the Isoacoustics Oreas?

I don’t know whether you want to go this route, but I would recommend you go to a decent music store and listen to a pair or small/medium keyboard amps. A pair of smaller amps will give a more spacious presentation than a single larger amp and produce more realistic sonic weight. I assume your piano has a stereo out?  IMO, this will give a more satisfying result than monitors.