Montreal Audio Show - anyone hear the FR30’s?

I heard they made a big splash and received applause but wondering if anyone here had the oppty this weekend to hear them ? 


in 2004 i bought top of the line.. studio 100 v2 for $2000 can... now top of the line paradigm’s top off at $40,000 i would love to hear what $38.000 more, sounds like  .im  sure i would not be impressed and would find them very hard to appreciate there is no way in hell they could be that much better, bs to speaker manufacturers

Speaker design is in it's incremental phase-- improvements at the high end are especially incremental. This is truer today than ever before.

Manufacturers are no longer pricing based upon value-- PRICE IS THE NEW VALUE.  We live in the land of confirmation bias and hyper-inequality.

There are fewer people in the middle class people in the U.S. today as a percentage of population than there has been since the Great Depression-- and it's getting manifestly worse by the year. Makes you wonder whether most mfg.'s making high-end gear take this situation into account when designing product lines.

A lot of gear is simply designed and priced accordingly, knowing that true market size has shrunk, but those left who can by products like these often have more wealth than ever before.

Most billionaires pay little to no income tax-- fools think they're smart-- no the system has been rigged so that everyone ELSE pays their share for them.

Now having said all of this that does not mean that a set of speakers like the FR30's are price gouging-- they are not cheap to make-- but if you were to take a look at the true profit margins (and no, it has not always been like this) you would see that margins have not shrunk, they're larger! Larger than they have ever been before, at the top-end.

There's still a lot of value in the lower end of these kinds of products-- but price is also equated with quality of sound in audiophile-land that, and over time that helps build the confirmation bias that they knowingly or otherwise rely upon to sell the high-priced gear. Slap an extra 50-100% of mark-up on a top shelf product makes sense under our present scenario. More money for them and more confirmation bias for you! Not exactly a win-win, but if you have the dough, who cares!

In a land of haves and have-nots, you are what you earn. 

In the long run this is a toxic situation, a perversion of capitalism, and it will end very very badly as these trend keep rolling on, and the inequality reaches a level that is completely incompatible with a functioning democracy.

We're actually already there but most people are unaware of all of this macroeconomic data-- the U.S., by the numbers is more oligarchy than democracy-- and that means consumer spending power is right there with it.

Now back to the music!

2 points:

1 - smodtactical +1 re Amir

2 - And in hi-end audio circa 2022, <$30K isn't even considered an "expensive" speaker

Toured the MTL audio show several times so I may narrow it down to 4-5 rooms that sounded best. Eventually it came down to the Sim audio/Raidho & PS audio/FR30 as my two favorites. The speakers are quite different. The Raidho is a refined, reserved speaker that has depth, presence, & weight as its main sound impression, a sound that was totally captivating. The FR30 is an exciting, lively speaker that was enjoyable & fun to listen to. I kept going back & forth between the two rooms trying to decide which speaker would I choose if I were obliged to make a choice. I found myself wishing I could find a speaker that has the sound features of both. Speakers that come to mind as being well balanced do offer much of these sound features but not to that scale. The show ended Sunday at 5pm & at 4:40 a song by Junior Wells from Hoodoo Man Blues was playing on the FR30. My choice was made. This music sounded fantastic.