Luxman D-10X Follow up

Over a year ago I sought advice here about CD players.  I ordered a Luxman D-10X as a result of the conversations.  It took a year to arrive.  Chips.  Slow ocean transport.  The world today.  Anyway, as promised I am reporting back.  It required a long break in.  At first it sounded a bit sharpish I think is the best way to put it.  200-300 hours later it has a very pleasant sound on all formats.  No surprise on SACD, DSD, and MQA, but the real bonus is that it really works quite well with PCM too.  That is a real plus for me because I listen mostly to jazz and a lot of the things I want are not available on vinyl, or the vinyl is old, out of print, in lousy condition, or absurdly expensive.  I am not inclined to pay several hundred dollars for an old mono Blue Note, sight unseen, coming from Japan, when the same recording can be had on a CD for just a few dollars.  With this D-10X the sound is acceptable.  So, I am happy.  It was worth the wait.  Thanks for all who offered advice.


All wires are from the Canadian company Audio Sensibility. All Silver as far as I can remember, it has been a while.  Picking wires with this company is a process.  To get started a big box showed up with several different wires representing gradations of performance.  Instructions with how to evaluate them included.  And that was just for the amp to preamp interconnects. Also, interconnects were done in stages based on which ones were deemed to make the greatest difference first.  So for example, power supply cords for primary equipment, and interconnects were given priority over secondary sources.  Speaker cables were last.  This all took perhaps 2-3 months to accomplish.  It all sounds good of course.  I have no idea of a basis for comparison.  I don't suffer from audiophile nervosa.



Good to see you. Can you talk about the sonic difference(s) between a D-05u, D-08 and D-10x players? PM me if you do not wish to divulge the information here.

I would like to add a Luxman to my collection.

Happy Listening!



Thank You for the Cabling follow up.   Happy Listening!


one of my audio buddies in town has the Luxman dac 

he has had a bunch of dac’s in rotation to try over the last year 

he picked the Luxman and it sounds very nice

I have a question on your phone pre from CJ , what sq do the SUT’s add to the sound ?   I thought the TEA already had an onboard SUT on the high gain side 



good pick