Do larger planar speakers produce more accurate sound?

Planar speakers generate sound pressure via vibrating membrane panels. The excursion of the membrane x radiating area= sound pressure. This would mean that for a given sound level, membranes have smaller excursion in larger planar speakers than in smaller ones. Does this mean that larger speakers will produce more accurate sound?

I am not talking about the obvious benefits of the larger speakers in terms of low frequency production, so let's not get into that.


maggie also sells outboard bass panels too now, for users who feel their main maggie pair is still lacking in that department ... so with these, no need to go with coned sub, which can present the sometimes difficult integration issues

The next room size is 16x20x8. Someone near me tried the Maggie bass panels. He sold them. They just didn't do the job.

The next room size is 16x20x8. Someone near me tried the Maggie bass panels. He sold them. They just didn’t do the job.

quite possible that ’someone’ probably didn’t get them to work right... just sayin... 🤷‍♂️

chungjh, my understanding is that Music Direct will stop distribution of Quad ESL’s. I don’t know if they will drop Quad all together. Just realize that if you purchase the 2912’s or any Quad electrostatic speaker, that the panels will eventually need replacing and if you have a technician do it, then you’ll have to ship the entire speaker. The 2912’s are about 100 pounds each.

As far as AIG and their future production of Quad panels and Quad speakers, I am uninformed but I believe that someone will build the panels since all Quad ESL owners are in the same boat and will need to replace panels for their 63’s, 898’s, 2905’s and 2912’s. The 57’s have a different circuit board/panel design from the others.

If anyone finds out who the new USA distributor for Quad speakers will be, please share that in a post. Us Quad owners are somewhat at their mercy.