Grounding cable gauge size

For those of you using external grounding source devices, units such as Entreq, Nordost, Synergistic, etc. What size wire gauge seems to work the best?



But it makes me wonder if I should have included some Tungsten to my DIY box(es)


If you listen to heavy metal, then… yes... It would likely help.

I just ordered a Russ Andrews plug in router. Thanks to those who mentioned it. There is a sale going on, I got it at 25% off. Not sure how long it will take to receive but I will have 60 days to evaluate it.

I’m going to try it in all areas including into my DIY grounding box, Entreq box and maybe just some chassis grounding.


@bugredmachine how do you like your Russ Andrews router?  I was thinking of ordering one as well and wanted to get some input.  Or anyone else who has one…

So I finally received the Russ Andrew Plug In Router. It was held up in customs for a week.

Anyway, I just connected it to chassis grounds, and then tried it to source grounding and finally to my Entreq box and DIY version.

At this point (about a few hours) I can say it does nothing.


So to those who care, I have now found that using the Russ Andres device with my Entreq box seems to be the way to go. I am liking the increased depth of the soundstage.

I am also running it to my Niagara 7000 to the AC ground only.
